photo of Alexandra Vitale

Hi, I’m Alexandra Vitale

Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Owner and Founder of True Talk Mental Health Counseling

I create a safe, supportive environment so that each individual feels comfortable to share their story and express their feelings. Knowing that one size does not fit all, I develop a treatment plan tailored to each individual’s specific needs. I help my clients to understand their behaviors, thought processes, and habits through self-exploration while guiding them towards reaching their personal goals.

I work with children, adolescents, and adults on a variety of issues, striving to meet the client “where they are” with an emphasis on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and client centered psychotherapy. I guide my clients to overcome obstacles and stressful situations utilizing coping skills and effective strategies to meet life's challenges.

The focus is to improve the individual’s quality of life, gain self-awareness and create a healthy, positive difference that is long lasting.