Anxiety Therapy

Are You Constantly Worried About Things You Can’t Control? 

Do you find yourself constantly ruminating about the future? Are you always expecting the worst to happen? Is anxiety holding you back from feeling present and enjoying your life?

Maybe you feel like your thoughts are always racing at a hundred miles per hour. Perhaps you’re overwhelmed by all the things you can’t control. You might be struggling with social anxiety and constantly avoiding situations where you might risk rejection. Over time, this could make you lonely and cause your self-esteem to suffer. For the first time, maybe you’re thinking about seeing an anxiety therapist.

You Might End Up Settling And Missing Out Because You’re Afraid To Take Risks 

Anxiety can feel paralyzing and hold you back from going after what you want. You might stay in a relationship that’s bad for you because you’re afraid of being alone. Or perhaps you feel stuck at a job you no longer enjoy because you fear you’ll never find something better. After a while, you might start to feel like you’re missing out on life. 

If you want to improve your confidence and start living up to your true potential, we encourage you to pursue anxiety therapy with us. Here at Vitale Mental Health Counseling, our goal is to help you feel peaceful in your mind and body and learn to stay grounded in the present instead of getting hung up on the future. 

Anxiety Is The Norm In Our Fast-Paced, Clickbait-Driven Modern World 

Everyone gets anxious from time to time. Believe it or not, anxiety is something that we all need to survive—it’s like an internal alarm system that alerts us to dangerous or stressful situations. But with an anxiety disorder, that alarm system goes off even when there’s no danger present.

In today’s world, chronic anxiety has become ubiquitous. We’ve lived through a global pandemic, financial crises, political unrest, and many other global ills. To make matters worse, we’re bombarded with so much news that it’s become hard to separate fact from fiction. Many of us can’t tell what’s worth worrying about and what’s plain old clickbait. 

What’s more, our fast-paced, work-obsessed society makes it hard to find time for self-care and relaxation. Hustle culture tells us that we need to work ourselves into oblivion to achieve success. Working a thousand hours is seen as something to brag about—taking time for yourself is not.

This is why anxiety therapy is so important. It can help you prioritize self-care, set healthier boundaries, and learn new coping skills for managing your stress.

Anxiety Therapy Is A Chance To Hold A Mirror Up To Your Fears And Achieve A New Perspective

Oftentimes, people tell themselves things like “once I get a better job or get into a happier relationship, my anxiety will go away.” Yet when they actually attain these things, they’re just as anxious as before.

The problem is that anxiety is an internal issue, so external solutions can’t resolve it. Therapy can help you do the rich inner work of improving your confidence, getting in touch with your values, and increasing your self-compassion. It’s a chance to look beyond external validation and do the deeper work of healing anxiety at its roots.

What To Expect In Anxiety Counseling Sessions

Anxiety has a way of convincing you that your worst fears are true. This makes it so easy to lose perspective. An anxiety counselor can reality-test your irrational fears and hold a mirror up to them. If you’ve always told yourself “I’m a bad person” or “I’ll never find anyone that loves me,” counseling is a chance to question these messages and challenge the way you think. 

woman standing next to a city street smiling at the camera

Additionally, we want to help you identify any maladaptive behavior patterns that make your anxiety worse. For instance, maybe you tend to isolate and cancel plans whenever you feel anxious. A therapist can point this out to you and help you come up with less avoidant ways to manage your anxiety. 

Tailoring Your Anxiety Treatment Plan

We draw from a wide range of approaches to help clients. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective methods for treating anxiety. It can help you understand how negative thought patterns reinforce anxious behavior. By shifting your perspective and changing the way you think, you can break out of the habits that are keeping you stuck.

Our practice also uses exposure therapy, which is especially helpful for social anxiety. By exposing yourself to your fears in a limited and controlled setting, you can slowly increase your ability to handle them. Exposure therapy is always done in a way that’s comfortable for you, ensuring that your anxiety doesn’t get worse in sessions. 

Ultimately, therapy is a chance to get to know your anxiety on a deeper level. The more you avoid confronting anxiety, the more powerful it becomes. Once you understand how anxiety works, you can recognize what changes you need to make and start to experience peace of mind. 

You May Have Some Questions About Anxiety Therapy…

What if therapy costs too much money? 

Anxiety therapy is an investment in your mental health that can benefit you for years to come. It’s preventative medicine in the same way that going to the doctor is. After all, mental health is every bit as important as physical health. And for what it’s worth, our practice works on a sliding scale with different payment options. 

Will talking about anxiety make my symptoms worse?

Most of the time, anxiety decreases when you talk about it. Once you get something off your chest, it stops feeling taboo. And when you repeatedly talk through your anxiety in a safe, controlled setting like therapy, you can grow so accustomed to discussing it that it no longer bothers you at all.

Does being in therapy mean I’ll be dependent on my therapist?

Not at all! Therapy is an empowering experience where the goal is to become more independent and self-sufficient. We will give you the knowledge and the skills to be able to handle anxiety on your own. We’re not just here to offer advice; we’re here to help you find the answers that already lie within you.

woman listening to her headphones out for a walk in a park

Anxiety Doesn’t Have To Run Your Life Anymore

If you want to get control of your anxiety and put yourself back in the driver’s seat, we would be honored to help you. To get started, you can email us, use the contact form, or call 929-404-3002 for a free, 15-minute phone consultation.

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