Simple Ways To Help Your Child Build Their Self-Esteem

Watching your child grow up is one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences. Just as we go through periods of change and growth, they do as well. It seems as if with children, especially, we dare to blink and suddenly they are at the next stage or period of their life.

As they grow and become more independent, there seems to be more and more to worry about with them. Naturally, one of the biggest things a lot of parents worry about is a child's self-esteem.

Every generation grows up with a unique set of challenges that come with growing up. That is no different for this generation of children growing up with social media and technology being so easily accessible. Adding in the general growing pains that come with getting older makes this all feel very daunting.

With so much that can impact a child's self-esteem, we want to take this post to discuss how you can help your child build their self-esteem.

Simple Ways To Boost A Child's Confidence

Show Them Unconditional Love

Boosting a child's self-esteem often starts from within the home. It's hard to control the factors that occur in their outside life, especially as they grow to be more independent. However, you can ensure their confidence is boosted with your love for them.

Of course, for every parent, it is obvious that you do show them unconditional love. For a child who is still learning about the world around them, their place in it, and emotional ques, it may not be as obvious to them at times.

Yes, you need to discipline them when discipline is due. However, you should also demonstrate that not every mistake is going to lead to punishment. As they grow, this will help them not to be so harsh on themselves when mistakes are made.  In the future, this will help them not to be as afraid to try something new if they don't have the innate fear of messing up.

mom sitting on floor with child who is helping her paint

Give Them Learning Opportunities

When they do make a mistake that shouldn't be punished for, don't hesitate to use it as a teachable moment for them.

For instance, if they are struggling with a topic in school, help them to learn more about it. Especially if it is a subject that you know they are struggling with. If it is a topic that you aren't familiar with, you can use the opportunity to review the materials together. Or help them by reaching out to their teacher for private tutoring lessons.

Life, after all, is nothing but a learning curve for all of us.

Teach Them Life Skills

Every child is naturally good at something. As parents, we always want to foster the connection they have with something, whether that be art, science, or building stuff with their hand.

As adults, though, we know that life is more than just doing the things we love the most. When your child grows and becomes able, teach them the basic life skills they will need for the rest of their life. Show them how to cook or measure ingredients. Let them watch as you throw a load of laundry into the washer and dryer and teach them about measuring out detergent.

Encourage them to get involved by helping out with yard work or other household duties. It might seem small to you, but them accomplishing these basic types of things will help them feel a great sense of accomplishment. These basic skills are great confidence boosters.

If you think your child is struggling with their self-esteem and don't know how to help them, feel free to contact us. In child therapy, we can work with you and your kid to set them up for success in the future.


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